What kind of locks do you have in your home? Are they sturdy and foolproof enough, can they be easily picked on or broken, do you have multiple locks or just one?
These are the questions that any homeowner or commercial property owner should ponder over. Today, many property owners accept alarm systems as a norm. Very few people need to be convinced to invest in alarm systems. But as more and more people buy alarm systems and have them installed in their properties right from the time of moving in, there is a risk of losing focus on the quality of locks.
Let us put things into the right perspective. Alarm systems are not locks. They might be a deterrent or a notifying system but they do nothing to prevent someone from breaking in or trespassing. Alarm systems don’t prevent burglary or robbery, locks do. That is why you must always invest in good quality locks. There is a vast array of options you can choose from. You will obviously invest according to what you can afford and what you need but do consider the best options in a given price range and type.
When we install alarm systems, we get a false sense of security. This is what many other products and services do to our minds. Imagine a situation; you have a good alarm system and a substandard or very average quality lock. The alarm will go off whenever someone finds their way into your property by unfair means. If the locks are waiting to be broken and if picking on them is easy, then the alarm system will not threaten or discourage the burglars or trespassers. They would simply know that there is limited time before they have to be out.
Alarm systems are necessary. The discussion here isn’t against alarm systems or the need of it but such systems are only good at notifying you and acting as an apparent deterrent to people with vicious intentions. You would still need some of the best locks ever made to keep your property truly secured. You may also have security cameras integrated with alarm systems. They would still not be a substitute for poor locks.
To prevent loss, you need locks that can avert break-ins. The alarm systems and security cameras will help you as reactive measures, not proactive ones.
So there you have it, alarm systems are merely one element to an overall home security plan. With a combination of locks, alarms and other preventative measures you can secure your home better than before. To learn more about how you can secure your home speak with one of our residential locksmiths today.